Saturday, October 26, 2013

Researching Topics

Research Organizer:

Getting to Know Your Country (Use the CIA World Fact Book Below to Find This Info)

Links that will help you find the information that you need:

Official Model UN Page of Research Links (Tips for Starting Your Research)

Tips for Researching Your Country or Topic (More General Tips)

What You Should Know About Your Country

What You Should Know About Your Topic

How the UN Relates to Your Topic and Country (General Structure of the UN)

Finding UN Documents (Great for the International Section of Your Paper)

A List of Great Research Links

CIA World Fact Book (Learning more about your country)

Deciding whether a source is reliable or not:

Good and Bad Sources

After you have researched your topic and country, make sure to have the following questions answered:

Position Paper Outline


  1. If you have a useful website to find information, share it as a comment for others to see!


    This link is very useful for finding facts and statistics as it relates to the political role of women in each of your countries.


If you have any questions or comments for, please leave them here.