Think about the need to support further innovation, and simultaneously increase availability of existing medicines at affordable prices.
Understand the process of drug research and development (cost, time, energy)
Find a balance between access to medicine and encouraging R&D (research and development)
Only include information that is relevant
Come up with a practical recommendation or solution that applies to your country, but can also be expanded to other countries
Questions to consider
Is your country known for being a more wealthy country or a more impoverished country?
Does your country produce a lot of name brand drugs, how about generic drugs? Which does it produce more of? What is the status of any patents your country may have?
Is there a pharmaceutical lobbyist in your country?
Is there a lot of research and development of drugs in your country?
What are some examples of brand name or generic drugs that are made or commonly used in your country?
What are some of the major illnesses that affect your country? Are they communicable or non-communicable? Are drugs commonly and effectively used to combat them?
How is your country involved with WHO?
Who are some of the big players (countries) involved in generic drugs? What opinions would you expect them to have?
What are some other countries that may have an effect on your country?
Is it difficult for people to afford drugs in your country? How about the ones they really need? How much do these drugs cost compared to how much money the average person in your country lives off of daily?
Why is generic drugs an important topic to the United Nations (and to the world in general)?
Why is the topic of generic drugs important to your country, specifically?
What are the actions your country has taken on a nation level to address the problem?
What are the actions your country has taken on an international level to address the problem?
What are the recommendations for WHO, which will be what you want to see in the resolutions at the end of the debate?